Order your Zeta Sigma
Chapter History Book TODAY!


Brother Louis Monk, Chapter Historian

In the autumn of 1922, a group of Sigma men residing in Baltimore, but with no formal Chapter affiliation, were called together to consider setting up a graduate chapter of the Fraternity. Up until this time, all the activities of Sigma had been confined to the undergraduate chapter – Gamma Chapter. At the meeting, it was decided to contact all Brothers in the City and invite them to attend a call meeting- afterwards a permanent organization would be formed known as Zeta Sigma Chapter. Some of the Key brothers in attendance of the meeting were, Frank A. Saunders, Dr. George S. Allen, Dr. John (JET) E. T. Camper, Dr. Bernard Harris, John W. Woodhouse (ZS-President), James R. Howard (ZS-Vice President), George A. Owens (ZS-Secretary), and William Anderson (ZS-Treasurer).


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